Mobile Casino Hire is something everyone should consider if they’re planning on hosting an event. Our establishment happens to specialise in this area. In addition to high quality equipment, we also have professional and friendly gaming staff. We’re certain that your guests will enjoy what we have on offer.

When people say the word “gambling”, the casino is often the first thing that comes to mind. It is here where players spend their money on a game of chance. The table games have a kind of charm and glamour to them, especially due to how films and TV shows portray them. The following are reasons why you should think about having guests at your next event play at a casino table.


To begin with, these games are more sensitive to strategy than many others are. Everyone wants to win more by playing brilliantly. Tables are certainly the way forward here. Nearly every table-based casino game has a sort of optimal strategy. They include player choices to reduce the house’s advantage. It can be fun utilising your strategies and watching your moves translate into money.

Meet new people

Table games provide you with a great opportunity to meet people as well. Playing against or with individuals you don’t know can be exhilarating. You can talk to someone you wouldn’t have interacted with under normal circumstances, it’s a great ice breaker. Talking with your dealer can also be enjoyable; they are there to engage with players after all.


Finally, tables come with a slow pace. The majority of hands can take a couple of minutes to resolve. The experience becomes more organic and contemplative. Additionally, since there’s less action happening, the house’s edge has fewer chances to work against your bankroll.

At Moonlight Fun Casino Hire, we supply full sized casinos and single tables to clients. We know that every client has their own special needs. To accommodate them, we tailor fit every job. Once everything comes together, including our mobile casino and your great venue, the result is a night worth remembering.

If you would like to do business with us, please get in touch.

casino themed party specialist